The 72 Angels of the Shemhamephoresh
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His attribute is interpreted as “God elevated and exalted above all things” The person who is born under the influence of this angel has a skillful nature; being blessed with great wisdom, a lover of the Arts and Sciences, capable of undertaking and executing the most difficult things; having a love for military service, due to the influence of Mars; having abundant energy, due to the dominance of fire.
2nd – JELIEL
His attribute is “Helpful God”. One invokes this angel to calm popular sedition, and to obtain victory over those who would attack you unjustly. This angel rules over kings and princes, and keeps their subjects obedient; he has influence over the generation all beings which exist in the animal realms; he reestablishes peace between spouses and maintains conjugal fidelity. Those born under this influence have a cheerful spirit, agreeable and genteel manners; they are passionate in sex.
3rd – SITAEL
His attribute is “God, the hope of all creatures” One invokes this angel against adversity. He rules over nobility, magnanimity and great works; he protects against arms and ferocious beasts. A person born under this influence loves truth; keeps his word and takes pleasure in helping those who need assistance.
His attribute is “Hidden God”. One invokes this angel against spiritual torment and to know the names of traitors. This angel rules over travel, maritime expeditions, and he rules over useful discoveries. The person born under its influence will be industrious, happy in his enterprises, and will have a passion for travel.
His attribute is “God saviour”. One invokes this angel to live in peace with the entire world; He rules over the high sciences, occult philosophy, theology and the liberal arts. The person born under this influence learns all that they desire with ease; has an agreeable physiognomy and character, and will be keen on honest pleasures
His attribute is “Praiseworthy God”. One invokes this angel to acquire knowledge and to cure illnesses; This angel rules over love, renown, sciences, arts and fortune. The person born under this influence will love to converse, and will acquire fame through his talents and actions.
His attribute is “Good and Patient God”. This angel rules over patience; he reveals the secrets of nature; he influences the propagation of knowledge and industry. The person born under this influence will love to learn about useful subjects; he will glory in executing the most difficult works, and will discover many useful practices of the arts.
His attribute is “Adorable God”. He serves to obtain God’s blessing and to chase away evil spirits. This angel rules over all agricultural production, and principally those, which are necessary to the existence of men and animals. He inspires man to raise himself towards God, to thank Him for all the goods He sends to the earth. The person born under this influence will love work, agriculture, the countryside and hunting, and will be very active in business
9th – HAZIEL
His attribute is “Merciful God”. He serves to obtain God’s mercy, the friendship and favours of the great, and the execution of promises made by a person. He rules over good faith and reconciliation. Those born under this influence will be sincere in their promises, and will easily pardon those who commit and offence against them.
10th – ALADIAH
His attribute is “Propitious God”. This angel rules against rabies and plague, and influences recovery from illnesses. The person who is born under this influence enjoys good health, and will be happy in his enterprises, esteemed by those who know him; he will frequent the most sophisticated societies.
11th – LAUVIAH
His attribute is “Praised and Exalted God”. He serves against lightning and to obtain victory. This angel rules renown; he influences great persons, the wise, and all those who become famous through their talents.
12th – HAHAIAH
His attribute is “God of Refuge”. One invokes the help of this angel against adversaries; He rules over depths, and reveals hidden mysteries to mortals. He influences wise, spiritual and discreet persons. A person born under this influence has affable habits, a pleasant physiognomy and agreeable manners.
13th – IEZALEL
His attribute is “God Glorified In All Things”. He rules friendship, reconciliation and conjugal fidelity. A person born under this influence will learn everything he desires with ease; he will have happy memories and will distinguish himself through his speech.
14th – MEBAHEL
His attribute is “Conservative God”. One invokes this angel against those who seek to usurp another’s fortune; He rules over justice, truth and liberty; he delivers the oppressed and makes truth to be known. The person born under this influence will love jurisprudence and will distinguish himself at the Bar.
15th – HARIEL
His attribute is “Creator God”. One invokes this angel against those who blaspheme against religion; This angel rules over the arts and sciences; he influences useful discoveries and new methodologies. The person born under this influence will love the company of good people; he will love religious sentiment and will distinguish himself through the purity of his morals.
His attribute is “God Who Establishes The Universe”. One invokes this angel against traitors, to obtain victory over the enemy, and to be delivered from those who wish to oppress us; This angel rules over crowned heads and great captains; he gives victory and warns of sedition; he influences fire, arsenals and all things connected with the genie of war. The man who is born under this influence has a frank, loyal and brave character, susceptible to honor, faithful to his obligation and passionate in love
17th – LAUVIAH
His attribute is “Admirable God”. He serves against spiritual torment, sadness and to sleep well at night. He rules over the high sciences, marvelous discoveries, and gives revelations in dreams. The person who is born under this influence will love music, poetry, literature and philosophy.
18th – CALIEL
His attribute is “God Prompt To Grant”. One invokes this angel to obtain prompt assistance in the face of some adversity; This angel allows knowledge of truth in proceedings, and allows innocence to triumph, he confounds the guilty and false testimony. The person born under this influence will be just and possess integrity, love truth, and will distinguish himself in magistracy.
19th – LEUVIAH
His attribute is “God Who Forgives Sinners”. To obtain the grace of God. Governs memory, human intelligence.
His attribute is “Redemptor God”. He serves against the enemies of religion, and to convert people to Christianity. This angel rules religion, theology and morality; he influences chastity and piety in those whose vocation is towards the ecclesiastical state.
His attribute is “God is One and Unique”. He serves against slanderers, charms, and works to destroy the power of evil spirits. This angel rules over astronomy, mathematics, geography and all abstract sciences; he influences the wise and philosophers. The person born under this influence loves poetry and literature, and have a passion for study; he will distinguish himself in mathematics and geometry.
22nd – IEIAIEL
His attribute is “The Right of God”. This angel rules over fortune, renown, diplomacy and commerce; he influences voyages, discoveries and maritime expeditions; he protects against tempests and shipwrecks. The person born under this influence will love commerce, be industrious and will distinguish himself through his liberal and philanthropic ideas.
23rd – MELAHEL
His attribute is “God who delivers the evil”. He serves against arms and to travel in safety. This angel rules water, all products of the earth and principally those plants necessary to the cure of illnesses. The person born under this influence is naturally hardy and capable of undertaking the most perilous expeditions; he distinguishes himself through honorable actions.
His attribute is “God good in himself”. He serves to obtain grace and mercy from God. This angel rules over exiles, fugitive prisoners and condemned prisoners; he works against the discovery of secret crimes, and those men who commit them will escape justice provided they do not fall back into the same criminal ways. He protects against harmful beasts and he protects against robbers and assassins.
His attribute is “God who gives wisdom”. He serves to gain wisdom and to discover the truth of hidden secrets. This angel rules over all the occult sciences; he gives revelations in dreams and particularly to those born on the day over which he rules; he influences wise men who love peace and solitude, and upon those who seek truth and practice the magic of the sages, which is that of God.
26th – HAAIAH
His attribute is “Hidden God”. He serves to win judgments and to render judges favorable. This angel protects all those who seek the truth; he brings men to the contemplation of divine things; he rules over politicians, diplomats, plenipotentiaries, ambassadors, peace treaties and dealings and all pacts in general; he influences couriers, communications, agents and secret expeditions.
His attribute is “God Who Punishes The Wicked”. He serves to confound the wicked and slanderers, and to be delivered from our enemies. This angel protects those who provoke us and unjustly attack us. He rules over the propagation of light, civilization and liberty. The person born under this influence loves peace, justice, sciences and the arts, and he distinguishes himself in literature.
28th – SEHEIAH
His attribute is “God Who Heals The Ill”. He serves against infirmities and thunder. This angel protects against fires, ruined buildings, collapse, maladies, etc. He rules over health and longevity of life. The person born under this influence will be full of good judgment; he will only act with prudence and circumspection.
29th – REIIEL
His attribute is “God Quick To Help”. He serves against the impious and the enemies of religion, and to be delivered from all enemies both visible and invisible. This angel rules over all religious sentiment, divine philosophy and meditation. The person born under this influence will be distinguished by his virtues and his zeal to propagate truth; he will make every effort to destroy impiety through his writings and by example.
30th – OMAEL
His attribute is “Patient God”. He serves against chagrin, despair and to have patience. This angel rules over the animal kingdom; he watches over the generation of beings, in order to see special multiply and races perpetuated; he influences chemists, doctors and surgeons. The person born under these influences will distinguish himself in anatomy and medicine.
31st – LECABEL
His attribute is “Inspiring God”. He rules over vegetation and agriculture. The person born under this influence will love astronomy, mathematics and geometry; he will distinguish himself through his luminous ideas, by resolving the most difficult problems and his talents will make his fortune.
His attribute is “Just God”. One invocation the aid of this angel against those who attack us in the courts, and to obtain the grace of those who have recourse to the clemency of kings; in this case one must name the name of the person you are attacking. This angel rules over justice; he influences nobility, legal executives, magistrates and attorneys. The person born under this influence will have a good memory and speak eloquently with ease, and will be amiable, spiritual and modest
33rd – IEHUIAH
His attribute is “God Who Knows All Things”. He serves to recognize traitors, to destroy their projects and their machinations. This angel protects all Christian princes; he keeps their subjects in obeisance. The person born under this influence will love to fulfill all the works of his estate
His attribute is “Clement God”. This angel rules over crowned heads, princes and nobles; he maintains harmony, understanding and peace between them; he influences the obeisance of subjects towards their princes. The person born under this influence will become famous through his talents and his actions; he will have the confidence and favor of his prince, which he will merit because of his devotion, fidelity and the great service, which he will render him.
His attribute is “God Who Gives Joy”. One invokes the aid of this angel to return to favor with those whom one has offended. his angel rules over testaments, successions and all amiable distributions; he supports peace and harmony in families. The person born under this influence will love to live in peace with everybody, even to the cost of his interest; he will make it his duty to repay the fidelity and good offices of those in his service.
36th – MENADEL
His attribute is “Adorable God”. This angel is invoked to retain one’s employment, and to preserve the means of existence which one enjoys. He serves against calumnies and to deliver prisoners. This angel gives light to distant people who have received no news for a long time; he brings exiles back to their native land, and uncovers mislaid or disturbed belongings.
37th – ANIEL
His attribute is “God of Virtues”. He serves to give victory and to raise the siege of a town. This angel rules over the sciences and the arts; he reveals the secrets of nature and inspires wise philosophers with their meditations. The person born under this influence will acquire celebrity through his talents and his enlightenment, and he will distinguish himself among the wise.
38th – HAAMIAH
His attribute is “God, the Hope of All the Children of the Earth”. One invokes him with the Divine Names to acquire all the treasures in heaven and earth; The Kabbalists say that this Psalm works against thunder, arms, ferocious beasts and infernal spirits .This angel rules over all religious cults, and above all those which relate to God; it protects all those which seek truth.
39th – REHAEL
His attribute is “God Who Received Sinners”. He serves as a cure for maladies and to obtain the mercy of God. This angel rules over health and long life; it influences paternal and filial love, and the obeisance and respect of children for their parents.
40th – IEIAZEL
His attribute is “God Who Rejoices”. His psalm has marvelous properties; it serves to deliver prisoners, give consolation and to be delivered from one’s enemies. This angel rules over printing and libraries; he influences men of letters and artists. The person born under this influence will love speaking, design, and all sciences in general.
41th – HAHAHEL
His attribute is “God in Three Persons”. He serves against enemies of religion, the impious and slanderers. This angel rules over Christianity; he protects missionaries and all the Disciples of Christ, who announce the words of the Scripture to nations; he influences pious souls, prelates, ecclesiastics and all those related to the priesthood. The person born under this influence distinguishes himself by his greatness of soul and his energy; he is completely devoted to the service of God and does not fear martyrdom for Christ.
42nd – MIKAEL
The Kabbalists give him the following attributes: “Virtue of God, House of God, Like unto God”.He serves to travel in safety. This angel rules monarchs, princes and nobles; he keeps their subjects subservient, uncovers conspiracies and all those who seek to destroy their persons and governments. The person born under this influence will become involved in political affairs; he will be curious, and will want to learn the secrets of private offices and foreign news, and he will distinguish himself in affairs of State through his knowledge of diplomacy.
His attribute is “Dominating King”. He serves to destroy the enemy and for deliverance from slavery. This angel rules over peace and influences the prosperity of empires; he affirms tottering thrones and kingly power. The person born under this influence will love the military state and glory; he will be continually engaged in those sciences which are in rapport with the angel of war; he will become famous through the means of arms, and will attract the confidence of his prince through the services we renders him.
His attribute is “Eternal God”. One invokes this angel to obtain success in a useful enterprise; He is good for getting the protection of magistrates and to win a lawsuit. This angel protects against arms; he gives victory. The person born under this influence will love to travel in order to learn, and will succeed in all his undertakings; he will distinguish himself through his military talents and his bravery, and his name will be famous in the pomp of glory.
45th – SEALIAH
His attribute is “Mover of All Things”. He serves to confound the evil and the haughty; he lifts up all those who are humiliated and fallen. This angel rules over vegetation; he bears life and health in all that breathe and influences the principal agents of Nature. The person born under this influence will love to learn; he will have many resources and facilities.
46th – AIRIEL
His attribute is “Revealing God”. He serves to thank God for the gifts He has sent us. This angel discovers hidden treasures; he reveals the greatest secrets of Nature and he shows the objects of one’s desires in dreams. The person born under this influence is blessed with a strong and subtle spirit; he will have original ideas and sublime thoughts; he will be able to resolve the most difficult problems; he will be discreet and will act with much circumspection
47th – ASALIAH
His attribute is “Just God, Who Points To Truth”. He serves to praise God and to rise towards Him when he sends us light. This angel rules over justice, men of probity, and over those who raise their spirit to the contemplation of divine things. The person born under this influence will have an agreeable character; he will be passionate to acquire secret light.
48th – MIHAEL
His attribute is “God, Rescuing Father”. He serves to preserve peace and union between married couples. This angel protects those who have turn to him. They will have presentiments and secret inspiration about all that will happen to them. He rules over the generation of beings and he influences friendship and conjugal fidelity. The person born under this influence will be passionate for love; he will love walking and all pleasure in general.
49th – VEHUEL
His attribute is “Great and High God”. One should recite the Psalm in its entirety when one is tested by afflictions and when one has a vexed spirit. He serves to make one enflamed towards God, to bless Him and to glorify Him, when one is touched with admiration. This angel rules over great people and those who raise themselves and distinguish themselves through their talents and virtues. The person born under this influence will have a sensitive and generous nature; he will be held in esteem and will distinguish himself in literature, jurisprudence and diplomacy.
50th – DANIEL
His attribute is “Sign of Mercy” and, according to others, the Angel of Confessions. He serves to obtain God’s mercy, and to receive consolation. This angel rules over justice, counsels, attorneys and magistrates in general. He gives inspiration to those who are encumbered by many things, and do not know how to take decisions. He person born under this influence will be industrious and active in business; he will love literature and will distinguish himself through his eloquence.
His attribute is “Concealed God”. He serves to raise the soul to the contemplation of divine things and to uncover the mysteries of wisdom. This angel rules over chemistry and physics; he reveals the greatest of Nature’s secrets, notably the Philosopher’s Stone and the Universal Physic. The person born under this influence will love abstract sciences; he will be particularly attracted to the knowledge of the properties and virtues attributed to animals, vegetables and minerals; he will be distinguished in medicine through wonderful cures, and he will make many discoveries useful to society.
52nd – IMAMIAH
His attribute is “God Raised Above All Things”. He is good for destroying the power of enemies and to humiliate them. This angel rules over all travel in general; he protects prisoners who call upon him; and inspires in them the means to obtain their liberty; he influences all those who seek the truth of good faith, and turn away from their mistakes by making a truly sincere return to God. The person born under this influence will have a strong and vigorous temperament; he will bear adversity with much patience and courage; he will love work and will complete everything he wishes with ease.
53rd – NANAEL
His attribute is “God Who Brings Down The Proud”. This angel rules over the high sciences; he influences religious men, teachers, magistrates and men of law. The person born under this influence will possess a melancholic demeanor; he will pursue a private life, rest and meditation, and he will distinguish himself through his knowledge of the abstract sciences
His attribute is “King of Heaven”. He serves to obtain the mercy of God, and to obtain long life. This angel rules over emperors, kings, princes and all civilian and ecclesiastical dignitaries. He watches over all legitimate dynasties and over the stability of empires; he gives a long and peaceful reign to princes who have recourse to him, and protects all those who wish to remain in their employ. The person born under this influence will become famous through his writings and his eloquence; he will have a strong reputation among the wise, and will distinguish himself through his virtues and will merit the confidence of his prince.
His attribute is “Eternal God”. He is good for obtaining consolation and for those who wish to have children. This angel rules over morality and religion; he influences those who protect them with all their power and spread them by all possible means. His good works, his piety and his zeal for completing his duties before God and man will distinguish the person born under this influence.
56th – POIEL
His attribute is “God Who Supports The Universe”. He serves to obtain what one wants. This angel rules fame, fortune and philosophy. All for his modesty, moderation and agreeable humor will hold the person born under this influence in esteem; he will only make his fortune by talents and his conduct.
His attribute is “Praiseworthy God”. He serves to bring prosperity in all things and to deliver prisoners. This angel rules over great captains, admirals, generals and all those who fight in a just cause. The person born under this influence loves the military state; and he will distinguish himself through his actions, bravery, and greatness of spirit, and he will endure hardship with great courage.
58th – IEIALEL
His attribute is “God Who Hears The Generations”. He serves against chagrins and cures illnesses, principally problems with the eyes. This angel rules over fire; he influences armourers, metal-workers, cutlers and those involved in commerce; he confounds the evil and those who bear false witness. The person born under this influence will be distinguished by his bravery and boldness, and he will be passionate for Venus.
59th – HARAHEL
His attribute is “God Who Knows All Things”. He serves against the sterility of women and to make children subservient and respectful towards their parents. This angel rules over treasures, agents of change, public funds, archives, libraries and all rare and precious closets; he influences printing, the book trade and all those involved in this business. The person born under this influence will love to be instructed in all sciences in general; he will be busy in business, will follow the activities of the Stock Exchange, will speculate successfully and be distinguished by his probity, talents and fortune.
His attribute is “God Who Comforts The Oppressed”. He serves to heal spiritual ills and to be delivered from those who persecute one; he rules over illustrious people who are distinguished by their talents and virtues; he influences the fidelity and obeisance of subordinates towards their superiors. The person born under this influence will unite all the fine qualities of body and soul; he will distinguish himself through his virtues, spirit, and agreeable humor and will have a long life.
61st – UMABEL
His attribute is “God Above All Things”. He serves to obtain a person’s friendship. This angel rules over astronomy and physics; he influences all those who distinguish themselves in these fields. The person born under this influence will love travel and all honest pleasures; he will have a sensitive heart and love will cause him grief.
62nd – IAHHEL
His attribute is “Supreme Being”. He serves to acquire wisdom. This angel rules philosophers, enlightened ones and all those who wish to retire from the world. The person born under this influence will love tranquility and solitude; he will precisely fulfill the duties of his state and will be distinguished by his modesty and virtues.
63rd – ANAUEL
His attribute is “Infinitely Good God”. He serves to convert nations to Christianity and to confound those who are its enemies. This angel protects against accidents, he preserves health and cures illnesses; he rules over commerce, bankers, businessmen and clerks. The person born under this influence will have a subtle and ingenious spirit; he will distinguish himself through his industry and his actions.
64th – MEHIEL
His attribute is “God Who Vivifies All Things”. This angel protects against rabies and ferocious animals; he rules over the wise, teachers, orators and authors; he influences printing and bookshops and all those who engage in this type of business. The person born under this influence will distinguish himself in literature.
His attribute is “God Fountain Of Wisdom”. He serves against sorcery and to obtain wisdom and success in useful enterprises. This angel rules over seas, rivers, springs, maritime expeditions and naval construction; he influences sailors, pilots, fishing and all those for work in this line of commerce. The person born under this influence will distinguish himself in marine affairs through his expeditions and discoveries, and he will amass a considerable fortune.
66th – MANAKEL
His attribute is “God Who Supports And Maintains All Things”. He serves to appease God’s anger and to cure epilepsy. He rules over vegetation and aquatic animals; he influences sleep and dreams. The person born under this influence will unite all the good qualities of body and soul; he will bring about friendship and goodwill among all good people through his pleasantness and the sweetness of his character.
67th – EIAEL
His attribute is “God, Delight Of The Children Of Men”. He serves to receive consolation in adversity and to acquire wisdom. This angel rules over change, the preservation of monuments and long life; he influences the occult sciences; he reveals truth to those who have recourse to him in their works. The spirit of God will illuminate the person born under this influence; he will love solitude and will be distinguished in the high sciences, principally astronomy, physics and philosophy.
His attribute is “God Who Gives Freely”. He serves to preserve health and to cure diseases. This angel rules agriculture and fertility. The person born under this influence will love the countryside, hunting, gardens and all things connected with agriculture.
69th – ROCHEL.
His attribute is “God Who Sees All”. He serves to find lost or hidden objects, and to know the person who has removed them. This angel rules renown, fortune and succession; he influences jurisconsults, magistrates, attorneys, solicitors and notaries. His knowledge of morality, custom and the spirit of the laws of all people will distinguish the person born under this influence at the bar.
His attribute is “Word Which Produces All Things”. This angel rules over the generation of beings and phenomena of Nature; he protects those who desire to regenerate themselves, and to reestablish in themselves that harmony which was broken by the disobedience of Adam, which they will accomplish by raising themselves before God and purifying those parts which constitute the nature of man through the elements: thus they will regain their rights and their original dignity. They will be once more become the masters of nature and will enjoy all the prerogatives which God gave them at their creation. The person born under this influence will be distinguished by his genius; he will be considered one of the great luminaries of philosophy.
71st – HAIAIEL
His attribute is “God Master Of The Universe”. He serves to confound the evil and to be delivered from all those who wish to oppress one. This angel protects all those who have need of him; he gives victory and peace; he influences weapons, arsenals, fortresses and all connected with the military genius. The person born under this influence will have a lot of energy; he will love the military state and will be distinguished by his bravery, talents and actions.
72nd – MUMIAH
His attribute is designed by the Omega, which symbolizes the end of all things. This angel protects in mysterious operations; he brings success in all things and brings all things to their conclusion; he rules over chemistry, physics and medicine; he influences health and longevity. The person born under this influence will be distinguished in medicine; he will become famous through his marvelous cures, will unveil many secrets of nature which will lead to the prosperity of the children of earth, and he will devote his labors and his care to ease the poor and the sick.
When will my vigil be fixed and lit? There usually is a 3 to 5 day turnaround time, depending on demand. As soon as it is has been lit we will notify you with a pic.
When will I get my candle report? A vigil burns for approximately 7 days. Once the candle has burned down you will get a report give or take a day.
Do you guarantee your spell will work? No. We make no guarantees as to effect of a candle. We *do* guarantee to complete the service faithfully.
When will I get my candle report? A vigil burns for approximately 7 days. Once the candle has burned down you will get a report give or take a day.
Do you guarantee your spell will work? No. We make no guarantees as to effect of a candle. We *do* guarantee to complete the service faithfully.