Balthazar is pleased to announce the Angelical Candle Ministry specializing in Solomonic vigils. At the Angelical Candle Ministry, each vigil is anointed and consecrated using Solomonic prayers, Divine Names, invocations and psalms. All vigils are individually tended and “fed” daily with herbs, oils and prayers to help manifest your petition. The vigil burning service includes a candle report e-mailed to you once your candle has finished burning, relaying all important signs and omens. Our first range of angelic vigils is dedicated to the planetary archangels. Petitioning the planetary angels in the Solomonic style is so powerful because under each archangel there are choirs of angels and planetary spirits that jump into action at the command of the archangel! For a small extra fee we also give the option of using a paper Solomonic pentacle for your petition paper - hand picked by Balthazar - to match your angel and objective.

Michael (Archangel of Sun) Vigil
Petitioned for spiritual and physical protection, to acquire renown and glory, wealth, hope, gain, fortune, the favor of people in positions of authority, to dissolve hostile feelings, and to vanquish evil spirits, and to make powerful friends. Also, for greater self-esteem and confidence.
IMPORTANT: This is a vigil burning service which means that the candle is consecrated, lit, and maintained at our ministry. The vigil burning service includes a candle report e-mailed to you once your candle has finished burning, relaying all important signs and omens.

Anael (Archangel of Venus) Vigil
Petitioned for love and romance, forming friendships; to bring kindness; creative endeavors and artistic pursuits, for joyous and pleasant undertakings, and for traveling. Also, for greater magnetism and beauty.
IMPORTANT: This is a vigil burning service which means that the candle is consecrated, lit, and maintained at our ministry. The vigil burning service includes a candle report e-mailed to you once your candle has finished burning, relaying all important signs and omens.

Camael (Archangel of Mars) Vigil
Petitioned to receive military honor; to acquire courage; to overthrow enemies; to smite the wicked, and to be protected from infectious diseases and accidents or attacks involving iron or steel. Also, for greater assertiveness and willpower.
IMPORTANT: This is a vigil burning service which means that the candle is consecrated, lit, and maintained at our ministry. The vigil burning service includes a candle report e-mailed to you once your candle has finished burning, relaying all important signs and omens.

Casiel (Archangel of Saturn) Vigil
Petitioned to communicate with and bless the dead, to bring good fortune to buildings; to have angels attend thee in sleep; to cause good success to business, possessions, goods, investments, and similar things long-term endeavors, for study. Also, for greater staying power and wisdom.
IMPORTANT: This is a vigil burning service which means that the candle is consecrated, lit, and maintained at our ministry. The vigil burning service includes a candle report e-mailed to you once your candle has finished burning, relaying all important signs and omens.

Raphael (Archangel of Mercury) Vigil
Petitioned to increase eloquence and intelligence; promptitude in business; science and divination, to help with the selling of merchandise, to learn the magical arts, and to improve writing. Also, to return stolen goods; to reveal deceit and the identity of the thieves and conmen. Also, for greater mental acuity and skill.
IMPORTANT: This is a vigil burning service which means that the candle is consecrated, lit, and maintained at our ministry. The vigil burning service includes a candle report e-mailed to you once your candle has finished burning, relaying all important signs and omens.

Sachiel (Archangel of Jupiter) Vigil
Petitioned for obtaining honors, acquiring riches; contracting friendships, preserving health; to increase spirituality and virtue, and for just outcomes in legal matters. Also, for greater poise and self-discipline.
IMPORTANT: This is a vigil burning service which means that the candle is consecrated, lit, and maintained at our ministry. The vigil burning service includes a candle report e-mailed to you once your candle has finished burning, relaying all important signs and omens.

Gabriel (Archangel of Moon) Vigil
Petitioned for safe travel; messages (especially in dreams); reconciliation and peacemaking. Also, for psychic sensitivity and generosity.
IMPORTANT: This is a vigil burning service which means that the candle is consecrated, lit, and maintained at our ministry. The vigil burning service includes a candle report e-mailed to you once your candle has finished burning, relaying all important signs and omens.
The Sevenfold Angelic Strike
Invoke all seven archangels for one goal! We draw it down through the spheres, fine-tuning the petition for each planet and so ensuring that each angel and the planetary forces it governs contribute to your objective. This rite takes approximately seven weeks as we work our way through the spheres (roughly seven days per candle). Bring the power and wisdom of each angel to bear on your situation - a sevenfold angelic strike. Service includes:
- 7 vigil lights
- a pentacle for each candle
- planetary oils, and herbs
- petition fine-tuned for each planet/angel
IMPORTANT: This is a vigil burning service which means that the candle is consecrated, lit, and maintained at our ministry. The vigil burning service includes a candle report e-mailed to you once your candle has finished burning, relaying all important signs and omens.
Vortex Of Angelic Blessing (Sachiel, Anael, Michael)
Sometimes you need a vortex of blessings, grace, love, goodness, and angelical light to surround you or your project. Invoke the three benefics (Sachie/Jupiter, Anael/Venus and Michael/Sun) at the SAME TIME. We light these vigils in a triangle with your pic and petition in the middle - creating a vortex of blessings around you and your petition. Ideal for when you need high doses of healing, abundance, love, and radiance in your life.
- 3 vigil lights
- a pentacle for each candle
- planetary oils, and herbs
- petition fine-tuned for each planet/angel
IMPORTANT: This is a vigil burning service which means that the candles are consecrated, lit, and maintained at our ministry. The vigil burning service includes a candle report e-mailed to you once your candle has finished burning, relaying all important signs and omens.
Four Angelic Swords of Protection (Michael, Camael, Casiel and Raphael)
There are times when you need to fight. Times when you need warrior angels with flaming swords to back you up. Invoke four fierce archangels (Michael, Camael, Casiel, Raphael) at the SAME TIME. We light these vigils in a quaternity with your pic and petition in the middle - fighting for you from each side! Ideal for when you need fiery protection or are facing adversity, confronting enemies, or physical danger.
- 4 vigil lights
- a pentacle for each candle
- planetary oils, and herbs
- petition fine-tuned for each planet/angel
IMPORTANT: This is a vigil burning service which means that the candles are consecrated, lit, and maintained at our ministry. The vigil burning service includes a candle report e-mailed to you once your candle has finished burning, relaying all important signs and omens.
Archangel Gabriel (Ruler of the Moon): can be petitioned for safe travel; messages (especially in dreams); reconciliation, and peacemaking, to bring rain. Also, for psychic sensitivity and generosity.
Archangel Camael (Ruler of the Mars): is petitioned by police officers, security personnel and soldiers, to receive military honour, to acquire courage; to overthrow enemies; to smite the wicked, and to be protected from infectious diseases and accidents or attacks involving iron or steel, for block-busting. Also, for greater assertiveness and willpower.
Archangel Anael (Ruler of the Venus): can be petitioned for love and romance, forming friendships; to bring kindness; for creative endeavours and artistic pursuits, for joyous and pleasant undertakings, and for travelling. Also, for greater magnetism and beauty.
Archangel Raphael (Ruler of the Mercury): can be petitioned to increase eloquence and intelligence; promptitude in business; science, and divination, to help with the selling of merchandise, to learn the magical arts, and to improve writing; for road-opening. Also, to return stolen goods; to reveal deceit and the identity of the thieves and conmen. Also, for greater mental acuity, physical and verbal dexterity.
Archangel Sachiel (Ruler of Jupiter): can be petitioned for obtaining promotions, acquiring riches, contracting powerful alliances, preserving health, to increase spirituality and virtue, and for just rulings in legal matters, for spiritual cleansing, curse-breaking. Also, for greater poise and self-discipline.
Archangel Casiel (Ruler of the Saturn): can be petitioned to bring something to an end, to communicate with and bless the dead, to send away bothersome spirits, to bring good fortune to buildings; to have angels attend one in sleep; to cause good success to business, possessions, goods, investments, and similar long-term endeavours, and for studies. Also, for greater patience, tenacity and wisdom.
Stay tuned, as we will soon be introducing the angels of the 28 lunar mansions and the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash!
When will my vigil be fixed and lit? There usually is a 3 to 5 day turnaround time, depending on demand. As soon as it is has been lit we will notify you with a pic.
When will I get my candle report? A vigil burns for approximately 7 days. Once the candle has burned down you will get a report give or take a day.
Do you guarantee your spell will work? No. We make no guarantees as to effect of a candle. We *do* guarantee to complete the service faithfully.