General Divination, Prediction & Occult Consultation
Specialised Readings
Gypsy Relationship Reading
The gypsy cards are excellent for uncovering all the aspects of a relationship - whether it is a romantic or platonic connection. Ferret out all the motives, desires and influences!
Ancestor Reading (Evidential Mediumship)
A mediumistic reading in which we connect with a family member or friend who has passed over. The goal is to give clear verifiable information about that spirit person, along with any messages from them. This can be a healing experience if there is grief or unresolved stuff. It can also provide important evidence that life continues after death and that our relatives are around us, supporting us in unseen ways.
Please note: that if you are hoping to connect with a specific spirit person they have to have been dead for at least a year. This is to not interfere with their afterlife journey. They need some time on the other side to adjust.
Astrological Tarotmancy
This popular reading format uses the tarot in an astrological framework to offer an in-depth divination session that covers every aspect of your life. It's a lot! But it's the perfect tool for a new years' reading. Get a map of the territory ahead that will help guide you through the entire year. If you have specific questions those can be answered too. The 12 houses, aspects, and other unique interpretive strategies allow us to get deep into this tarot process.
As always Balthazar blends this 80-minute reading with mediumship and magical coaching (as needed). As a special bonus, I include a Shem angel analysis - using Balthazar's super secret proprietary medieval numerology! This will tell you which Shem angel rules your year. Clients often marvel at the suitability and power of this angel for shaping their unique pattern of destiny. At our candle ministry you can then petition this angel to help with your goals and issues as uncovered in the reading. This purchase includes a free copy of my new Shem Candle Magic PDF so that you can get that angel on your side - should you prefer to do it yourself.
Spiritual Framework Reading
A Spiritual Framework Reading in the espiritismo (Afro-Cuban Spiritist) style is used to identify an important spiritual guide and how to work with them. This includes a general spiritual assessment of one's spiritual health and ability. Typically this reading is received by someone who is embarking on the path of mediumship and seeks to "develop" the dead who guide and walk with them. The spirit guides are not ancestors, strictly speaking. Instead, they can be described as powerful souls who form part of our spiritual genetics. They infuse us with the wisdom of their particular lineage, blessing us and guiding each medium in a very personal way. They are integral to all other mediumistic work - be it divination, healing, or evidential mediumship.
Get in touch regarding availability. I usually have a day or two waiting period but that varies based on demand.
I only give readings over the phone, Zoom, Skype or in person. Just let me know which is easiest.
When you book the reading please DO NOT send me your whole backstory in your booking e-mail. I prefer to read 'blank' with no information other than the basic topic you wan't to read on (relationship, work, business etc). This allows me to prove my ability as a psychic reader to you and also stops the reading from being skewed by receiving too much biased information ahead of the reading.
"If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favourable" - Seneca